Category: cargo operations

Lamaignere Shipping coordinates the unloading of clinker at the Port of Huelva with the vessel Global Genesis

Lamaignere Shipping coordinates the unloading of clinker at the Port of Huelva with the vessel Global Genesis
Providing services to cargo ships is another main activity of Lamaignere Shipping. In this regard, we would like to share several photos of an operation carried out at the Port of Huelva from May 5th to May 9th, which involved the unloading of 53,000 cubic meters of clinker.
Providing the best personalized and efficient solutions to our clients in cargo ship operations is another of the added values we offer at Lamaignere Shipping.
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Lamaignere Shipping provides shipping agency services to the cargo ship “BF Esperanza” in Navantia, Cadiz

Lamaignere Shipping provides shipping agency services to the cargo ship “BF Esperanza” in Navantia, Cadiz

Lamaignere Shipping saw intense activity from June 17th. The cargo ship ” BF Esperanza” will be present in Cadiz during 10 days and it will requiere our shipping agency solutions. This container ship built in 2003 and currently is sailing under the Antigua and Barbuda flag.

In this post, we share some of the most outstanding photos of this vessel taken during its stay in Navantia – Cadiz.

We also would like to take this opportunity to highlight Lamaignere Shipping’s extensive agency and attention-based services offered to Cargo Ships.

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Lamaignere Shipping provides shipping agency services to the ship “Helene” in Navantia, Cadiz

Lamaignere Shipping provides shipping agency services to the ship “Helene” in Navantia, Cadiz

Lamaignere Shipping saw intense activity from February 16 to February 25, as it handled all of ‘Helene’ ‘s shipping agency needs.  ‘Helene’ is a container ship built in 2007 and currently is sailing under the Antigua and Barbuda flag.

In this post, we share some of the most outstanding photos of this vessel taken during its stay in Cadiz and, more specifically, at the Navanita facilities in this same city.

We also would like to take this opportunity to highlight Lamaignere Shipping’s extensive agency and attention-based services offered to Cargo Ships.  Contact us for further information on our services.

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Lamaignere Shipping dispatches a major US military vessel at the Port of Cádiz.

Lamaignere Shipping dispatches a major US military vessel at the Port of Cádiz.

Intense activity in the port of Cádiz started last Monday, November 29, which lasted until Wednesday, December 1. During this time, Lamaignere Shipping was responsible for dispatching a major US Navy vessel and providing it with provisioning and assistance services at all times.

For us, attention to military vessels represents one of our main activities, and we can prudently boast of this niche market. We have the knowledge, experience, and the ability to adapt to the needs of such customers who, in general, are very demanding.

Below we share photos of the ship.

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Lamaignere Shipping attends the conference ‘The future of large yachts in the Bay of Cádiz: Business opportunities from multiple perspectives’.

Lamaignere Shipping attends the conference ‘The future of large yachts in the Bay of Cádiz: Business opportunities from multiple perspectives’.

Last Tuesday, November 23, representatives of Lamaignere Shipping attended the productive and thought-provoking conference ‘The future of large yachts in the Bay of Cádiz: Business opportunities from multiple perspectives’. Organized by the Port of Cadiz, the Conference was chaired by businessman Rafael Fernández, in collaboration with the port of the Bay of Cádiz, Sucruise Andalucía, the Cádiz City Council, and the Institute for Development and Employment (IFEF).

This event presented the perfect opportunity to establish new bases and business opportunities to increase megayachts’ arrivals to the city of Cádiz. Increased traffic into this area will have positive effects and benefits, not only on the city’s economy but on the region of Andalusia in general.

Below we share several photos of the event. Included is a shot of the Head of Lamaignere Shipping, Alejandro Sánchez, accompanied by one of the speakers, Francisco Notario.

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Lamaignere Shipping coordinates the successful unloading of sugar in Cadiz.

Lamaignere Shipping coordinates the successful unloading of sugar in Cadiz.

Lamaignere Shipping continues with its recurrent activity in the Andalusian ports. On this occasion, we want to share several photos of a sugar unloading, which took place last Thursday, November 11. Specifically, this happened at the Muelle de la Cabezuela, located in Puerto Real (Cádiz).

Important to note that the operation of loading and unloading of goods on and off cargo ships is another of our company’s main activities.


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